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G.O.A.L.S Inc. Nonprofit


Wrongful Conviction?

A group of independent organizations that exonerate and support the innocent and redress the causes of wrongful conviction.


All cases for consideration should print and complete this form (PDF) and mail it to:


Innocence Project

Intake Department

40 Worth St., Suite 701

New York, NY 10013​


No other documents should be submitted for initial review. The Innocence Project is not equipped to handle telephone or electronic (email) applications.​


The Innocence Project only accepts cases on post-conviction appeal in which DNA testing can prove innocence. If the case does not involve biological evidence or DNA, visit the Innocence Network to see if there is a program in your area that provides broader legal and investigative assistance.


If you will need help with completing the form, have questions, or need help with step-by-step assistance - contact us as soon as possible. 


Working Towards a Brighter Future


​Felony Expungement Explanation Process - West Powell

West Powell is one of the many people around the world with a past felony record to have a felony expunged, which helps to explain the expungement process and why it is important to so many other individuals looking for a clean slate.


We will even help you remove past felonious charges with our newly expunged management program. Even if the crime were committed in another state, we would help you immediately to expunge or seal that past conviction(s). Select the read more link below link to learn more about expungement for each state the past offense took place/occurred. READ MORE


There are some exclusions; in the United States, certain types of criminal records can not be expunged or sealed by a judge or court. An expungement removes arrests and/or convictions from a person's criminal record entirely as if they never happened. Even a court or prosecutor cannot view a person's expunged record. 


Contact us today, and we will help you with all the applicable fees associated with the process.



GOALS Inc.'s non-profit past intake explains how he expunged his past conviction.

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